Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Comfort Food and Cleaning Tips

While the phrase evokes something different for everyone, one thing is certain: comfort food is not just the kind of food we eat; it is the kind of food we hunger for!
On today's show I had the chance to interview James Oseland, Editor-in-Chief of SAVEUR magazine, about the recently released cookbook, "SAVEUR-THE NEW COMFORT FOOD-HOME COOKING FROM AROUND THE WORLD".
When I think of comfort food the first thing that comes to mind is a great tasting homemade chicken pot pie! Yum! Or a S'more made at midnight in the microwave when my children were little, (because they'd had a bad dream, or couldn't sleep). Some people love a warm and gooey grilled cheese, a juicy hamburger, macaroni and cheese or Mom's homemade chicken soup. (Is your mouth watering yet?). The true definitioin of comfort food may be hard to pinpoint, but basically, it's any food that makes us feel good, right?
The book is filled with more than 200 stunning photographs, first person stories from some of the magazine's most acclaimed writers as well as information about the ingredients, techniques and memories associated with the recipes.
The unique feature is the fact the SAVEUR broadens the definition of "comfort food" because it showcases over 100 authentic home-style recipes from around the world and covers everything from appetizers to drinks.
This is an EXCELLENT book and one that you will "Savor"!

Spring is almost here and gone...have you done your "spring cleaning" yet?
We talked about cleaning tips and how you can clean like a professional. Here are few key things to remember:

  • Start in the room that is the farthest from the front door (usually the bedroom

  • Start your cleaning at the right of the door frame and always work top to bottom; left to right

  • Finish by vacuuming or mopping the floor as you make your way out the door

  • Apply cleaning solution to the tub/shower area before you continue with the top/bottom; left/right system. Wipe the tub/shower last.

  • The kitchen should be your last stop. Begin to the right of the stove since that is usually the messiest area in the room.

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