Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dill Plants and Dieting

"Phrase of Fire" Contest
Piece of the Puzzle #2

Hello, I'm Johnny Cash

When is the best time to harvest dill? That was the question posed by a listener on the show the other day. I did a little research and found out that you can harvest dill leaves any time. Dill generally blooms about 8 weeks after sowing. Once the flowers develop, the plant stops producing foiliage. After picking, you can use fresh or store in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks. Dill can also be frozen or dried, for later use and is probably best known for its use in pickles. The seeds are almost always included in pickling spice mixes. However, the leaves can be used to flavor all sorts of foods, like potatoes, breads, salmon and other fish, lamb and many vegetables like peas (pea soup), beets and asparagus.

You might think that cutting out carbohydrates is the best way to lose weight, however, trying to drop all carbs from your diet might actually make it harder to drop pounds. In fact, carbs may be your "secret weapon" if you want to lose weight. The trick is to add the right kind-especially those with "resistant starch"-which is a type of carb that acts like fiber so it helps you feel full. It can also help you lose more abdominal fat and even out your blood sugar levels. Here is a list of "GOOD FOR YOU" carbs:
  • Potatoes-are full of vitamin C, potassium, and resistant starch
  • Beans-are loaded with fibe, protein and resistant starch
  • Pasta-has resistant starch too! Try noodles made with chickpea flour for a fiber bonus
  • Strawberries-have lots of vitamin C, fiber, folate and potassium
  • Beets-are scrumptious when roasted, peeled, and drizzled with olive oil and vinegar and have healthy doses of iron, folic acid and fiber
  • Artichoke hearts-have a rich taste and will give a fiber boost
  • Quinoa-has sub high-protein. Use it for rice or pasta in salads and soups

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